Geomorphology and climatology (partial)
- origin of Earth
- interior of the earth, discontinuities
- volcanism and earthquakes
- Continental and ocean basins
- continental drift theory: assumptions and evidences
- seafloor spreading
- Paleo-Magnetism
- plate tectonics theory
- landforms types: Mountains, geomorphic cycles, glaciation, desert landforms and arid landforms, Coastal landforms
- climatology: evaporation and latent heat
- atmosphere of the Earth, CFCs, stratosphere, atmospheric cells, doldrums
- Seabreeze, mountain breeze, humidity, temperature inversion
- types of rainfalls
- Mediterranean climate, Brazilian Highlands
Note2: climatology, Oceanography and Geomorphology
- Jet streams,energy sources of cyclone, temperate and temperate cyclones, cloudbursts
- geomorphology: glacial landforms, erosional landforms, caves,
- heat budget of the earth
- pressure belts, planetary winds, local winds, airmass
- precipitation types
- development and rainfall go hand in hand- discuss
- global climate change
- hydrological cycle
- Koeppen’s classification, Koeppen vs Thronthwaite
- oceanography,Salinity budget, major oceans of the world, laws of the Seas,Ocean deposits,oceanic resources,oceanic tides vs waves, coral reefs and atolls, Coral bleaching, El-Nino, Ocean acidification,
- Marx vs. Malthuse
- theory of demographic transition
- seasonal variation of effective moisture
Note3: Indian geography
- Forest, agriculture, resources, industry, population, rivers and transport.
- Distribution of vegetation in India
- forest conservation and social forestry
- drought management
- soil profile of India
- major rivers of India
- land and mineral resources of India
- physical geography of India
- Indian agriculture: institutional and infrastructural factors, agriculture regionalisation
- roads, railway waterways, Sea ports and pipelines of India
- industrial distribution in India
Note4: Indian Geography, Current Affairs-Maps
- Maps related to current affairs
- Ocean topography, midoceanic ridge
- Indian mountain system
- monsoon
- Geomagnetism
- tourism in India: Benefits, challenges
- ecotourism, ecological succession
- daily farming in India
- climate change and its impact on Indian agriculture
- biogeography – meaning, approaches
- Algaculture
- agroforestry,
- soil erosion, wind erosion
- National Forest policy
- groundwater and flash floods
- Indian desert system
Note5: Migration, Ecology, Soil profile
- migration: Push factors and pull factors
- emigration during colonial, post-independent and post-liberalisation period
- internal versus world migration
- tribal population of India
- demographic attributes of India
- geographic perspectives of federalism
- urbanisation process in India. morphology of urban settlements
- town planning and patterns of rural settlement
- settlement types of the world
- planning and regional development in India
- ecology principles, ecological issues in India, environmental impact assessment
- disaster management and sustainable development
- soil profile, soil classification
Note6: Environmental behaviourism, humanism
- basis of humanism
- slope development
- functional classification of cities
- Some notes on essay writing
- difference between boundaries and frontiers, their classification
- rural urban fringe characteristics, advantages, problems
- National urbanisation policy
- principles of urban planning
- ocean heat budget and factors affecting
- contact farming – features, types, benefits and problems
- population distribution in the world, factors affecting, demographic attributes, distribution of total fertility rate, sex composition, rural urban composition, reasons for decline of cities, cities and natural hazards, regional disparities
- languages of India
- factors affecting rural settlements, their types and patterns
- cities – hierarchical classification, morphological classification
- channel morphology
- slope development, approaches to its study- Fennman, Gilbert, Lawson
- theories and models of slope distribution, Fisher-Lehmann model,
- factors which modify erosion surfaces
- applied geomorphology – bridges, tunnels, roads, airstrips
these are my final revision notes, maps
also following are the notes of vineel krishna sir
paper 2 part 1
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